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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Broiled Stuffed Mushrooms

Level of Difficulty: really easy and quick
Pots/Pans Used: uno


1/2 cup carrots, minced/ish
1 small onions, minced/ish
2 garlic cloves, minced no ish
1/2 block of extra firm tofu, drained
1 TBL sesame oil
1 TBL soy sauce
1/2 tsp fresh minced fresh rosemary
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
2 TBL olive oil
14-16 large cremini mushroom caps
miso mayo!!!

I have finally tried Miso Mayo and dayuuuuummmmmmm! It really makes the dish in my opinion. I say that for anyone who was wondering if they could leave it out of the recipe. It's not super cheap, was like $4 and change. But by all means, if you can't get a hold of Miso Mayo and still wanna try out the recipe, go for it. You might even be able to come up with your own fancy topping. I was so hungry, I forgot to actually try one without the mayo on top so I really don't know how they are without it. I'm no expert, but I think this recipe is fairly macrobiotic friendly. I feel so accomplished! I'm totally prepared for someone to shatter my reality in the comments section... but I'll just have my moment for now :D Oh! and I don't think I mentioned how damn delicious these are!!!!!

Turn the oven to broil. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add garlic and onion. Saute for a couple minutes, until translucent. Add carrots and saute another 5 or so minutes. With a fork, mash the tofu as if you were making a scramble then add it to the veggies. Add the sesame oil and soy sauce. Saute about 10 minutes so that the tofu gets a chance to brown a bit. Toss in the rosemary and saute another 30 seconds. Spoon the mixture into the mushrooms caps and then place the mushrooms on a baking sheet. Top the caps with breadcrumbs. Broil the mushrooms about 10 minutes or until the breadcrumbs begin to brown. Mine actually looked almost burnt but it didn't effect the flavor. Finally, top with a generous drop of miso mayo. You now have the perfect appetizer or light meal! Lemme know what you think...


  1. Those look excellent, and the whole one-pan thing is really getting me excited. Must make soon. Must find Miso Mayo!

  2. Just a side note, I got miso mayo at Whole Foods.

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad I found this blog! I have to go to a going away party and will be bringing these, your berry crumble, and/or the homemade baked pita chips. Thank you for sharing these yummy-looking recipes!

  4. Cassie, Good, I'm so glad! This recipe is seriously one of my favorites on the blog. The going away party will love it. Don't forget the miso mayo!
