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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vegan Caviar!


Mini Pancakes (I used Aunt Jemima pancake mix with Ener-G-Egg replacer)
Lemon juice
Vegan "Better Than Sour Cream" 
Caviart Vegan Caviar
lemon zest

Vegan Cuts, a new discount site for vegan products, asked me if I would be interested in experimenting
with a product they're offering right now called "Caviart". IT'S A VEGAN CAVIAR! Obvi I said yes. They sent me three different kinds: Black, Orange, and Wasabi. The black caviar was the most mild-tasting and probably my favorite.

I should mention that I've never actually had caviar before, but my grandmother claims they tasted pretty much just like caviar, minus the fishiness. Regardless, it's just a fun, impressive little treat to whip out when you're entertaining. If you're intimidated, don't be! I served them on mini pancakes with a lemon sour cream. It might even be one of my easiest recipes. For real!

Just make mini pancakes like this:

 Let them cool. Then mix sour cream with fresh lemon juice. Top your cakes with the lemony sour cream, then Caviart, and finally some lemon zest to garnish.

 That's it!

I bet this would be really cool on top of sushi too! If you're interested in Caviart, check out the deal Vegan Cuts has going on here.


  1. Ok, must get hands on vegan caviar. Never had caviar pre-vegan, but I am so curious now. It looks very elegant and tasty!

  2. Looks wicked!

    I tried that egg replacement once.. you have to be a magician to get that stuff to work!

    I found ground flaxseed to work much better for me. Makes for some interesting dishes sometimes. :)
