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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Vegan Food Swap - October!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I am belatedly posting the package I got for October's Vegan Food Swap. For those that aren't familiar, you sign up here and get paired up with someone. You send them a box of vegan treats, they send you a box of vegan treats... it's fun!

My box came from Melissa Fitton of the Loves To Eat Vegan! blog

She sent me some her favorite items: Chili Lime Potato Chips, Carrot Giner Soup, Apple Coconut Bar, Funky Monkey Pineapple Snack, Raspberry Dark Chocolate Bar, and Cowboy Chili.
I still haven't tried everything yet, but I absolutely loved the cowboy chili. You just add beer, water, and tomatoes. It's very simple to make and was surprisingly delicious for a boxed chili. Thanks, Melissa!!

= ^._.^ =

My box was sent all the way to Alaska!! (which I thought was pretty cool) My box is roughly themed around Florida. I sent: Tangerine Balsamic Vinegar, Florida Crystals Brown Sugar, Homemade Papaya Panda Jam, Mung Bean Noodles, Rosemary Crackers, and Apple Cider Apricot Spice Granola (Made by my friend, Izzy).


  1. Hi! Your box looks great :) I've signed up to do the UK Vegan Food Swap so I'm looking forward to that. Is there an international one?? That could be very cool! There's so much stuff in the States that we don't get over here and vice versa. I'm sure there are loads of other interesting bits from other countries too!

  2. Aw man, that's a good idea. As far as I know, there isn't an international one, but someone should set one up! :D
